Born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, J spends most of his time cheering for the Buckeyes and listening to
Pearl Jam. When he’s not watching people get kicked in the balls on TikTok, he attempts to squeeze in
some reading time, usually no less than 13 books at a time. He calls it a sickness. Everyone else calls it
psychotic. He enjoys horror, dark fiction, crime, grit lit, and space erotica. He’s an expert at
embarrassing his wife and kids with his never-ending supply of “dad jokes.”
J dabbles in writing, and rumor has it the World will soon read what he has to offer. Well, at least those
he gives his writing away to.
J is a Gen-Xer and proud of it. He is old and wise, and not afraid to tell you why he is right, and you are
You can check out his high-quality videos of reviews and other fun things on his YouTube channel, “The
World According to J,” or he may have changed the name again. You know what? It’s probably better if
we just link it: (Put link here) Prepare to be amazed by his stunning hair.
Posts (20)

Jason Grell
Host & Reviewer